“Acceptance Bridge: Crossing the Great Divide,” is a story about overcoming insurmountable odds, emotional twists, humorous turns, and a spiritually uplifting climax. And… it’s a lesson in the life-changing POWER of never giving up and never looking back.
“This story has everything it possibly needs to become a smash success. It will make every possible reader happy.” –Frederick Marx, Warrior Films.org– Producer, Director, Writer, “Hoop Dreams,” Named Best Film of the Decade by Roger Ebert.
What a fine story and screenplay! What heart! Acceptance Bridge will make a memorable film.” – Mark Miller, legendary leading man, producer, and writer of “A Walk in the Clouds,” “Savannah Smiles,” “Christmas Mountain,” and “Diff’rent Strokes.”
Acceptance Bridge is so entertaining and exciting I couldn’t put it down. It’s ‘Glory Road,’ ‘Hoosiers’ and ‘Rudy’ combined as teams and individuals overcome handicaps and roadblocks on all levels. Inspiring is not a strong enough word for Acceptance Bridge… but it certainly works.” – Donn Burrows, Director, “The Big O: The Oscar Robertson Story.”
Media copies are available for review, email [email protected]. For information on bulk sales or speaking events email [email protected].

How would you react if you were faced with insurmountable odds in a life-or-death situation?
A sudden tragedy, a disabling injury or the premature death of a spouse or child?
Would you be courageous?
Bold? Heroic? Noble?
Would you risk your life or lay it down for others?
We all like to think we’d do the right thing. But there’s always that nagging doubt, right?
The “Greatest Words You’ve Never Heard” are powerful and poignant words of people throughout time who have faced traumatic defining moments and triumphed — even if they died in the effort. These are the life stories of people just like us – ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances. Lost in the vacuum of anonymity and time, these are stories of heart and heroism, love and loss, wonder and wisdom, hope and inspiration.
In an age of too many words with very little meaning, this book brings to life a few tales from the heart that yearn to be shared again.
And how will these stories impact you today?
Come … read. Discover.
Media copies are available for review, email [email protected]. For information on bulk sales or speaking events email [email protected].
Declining enrollments, drastically reduced state and federal government funding, and excessive growth of support and administration costs have left many universities in a cash-strapped financial conundrum. In addition, student loan debt exceeds U.S. credit card debt and serious questions are being raised about the ROI (cost to value) of a college degree.
To address these critical issues, over 30 diverse and prestigious thought leaders contribute innovative ideas to help re-imagine, re-engineer, and re-invent the business of higher education – with a focus on the pragmatic, the achievable. Some of their suggestions are in the guise of blasphemy; others are cloaked in common sense. All will provoke.
Cross-indexed against five large foci important within higher education—Leadership; Academic and Faculty Affairs; Student Services and Affairs; Financial and Administrative; and, Data—views touch on solutions that are tried, innovative, disruptive, or simple and sane.