In the article, “Tesla vs. Einstein: Transcending the Speed of Light,” Marc J. Seifer, Ph.D., world-renowned Tesla expert and  author of Wizard: The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla, made the argument, based upon years of research and study of Nikola Tesla’s writings and theories, that the speed of light was not unbreakable.  In fact, Tesla had already broken it. But that was untenable because it broke one of the most sacrosanct commandments of physics:

“Nothing Shalt Travel Faster than the Speed of Light”

If Marc Seifer’s argument were true, it would upend the world of physics and radically change everything we thought we knew about the universe and the way it works.

That article was written two years ago. It had been forgotten until recent events like …

“CERN Physicists Observe First Faster-than-Light, Long-Distance Travel”

… prompted an update.


“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” – Arthur Schopenhauer

Yes. I guess you could call this an ongoing story. And an update on an update. Frank Jordans is an Associated Press reporter at the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland.  He reported the story “CERN Claims Faster-than-Light Particle Measured.”


Marc Seifer reached out to him with another startling claim—that the supraluminal (faster than light) particle (aka tachyon) find could also fulfill Einstein’s dream of grand unification.

And guess what?

Tesla is involved again.

Marc’s theory incorporates Nikola Tesla’s little-known dynamic theory on gravity that involves the absorption of ether by matter.

Below is an explanation Marc provided me to publish as an open letter to Frank Jordans (@wirereporter on Twitter) to  further investigate.


Dear Frank:

I have laid out below a possible solution to Einstein’s dream of grand unification that links gravity with electromagnetism.


This theory incorporates the tachyonic realm, precisely the ortho-rotational particle spin of 1.37 times the speed of light and also resurrects the ether theory. Keep in mind that Henrik Lorentz, George Fitzgerald, Albert Einstein, Michael Faraday and many other theoreticians knew the ether existed.

Einstein’s photon/particle model suggested that the ether was not necessary if light traveled as “particles” but did not state that there was no ether. Again, Einstein explicitly stated that the ether in fact did exist in a letter to Lorentz in 1916 — see Issacson, p. 318.


The theory of gravity I came up with makes total sense—earth-shaking but based on facts that have been buried by history.

Elementary particles spin at 1.37 times the speed of light.

That simple fact was discovered by Goudsmit and Uhlenbeck as reported by George Gamow in his watershed book 30 Years that Shook Physics.

George Gamow was there. He was part of the story of the history of quantum physics. And Gamow tells us that Paul Dirac used an imaginary number to sweep this unpleasant fact under the table, and got a Nobel prize in the process.


Tesla said in a rare interview that the sun absorbed more energy than it radiated. That sounded a little whacky to me. However, the more I thought about it, the more it sounded reasonable.

But Einstein’s theory that space curved around planetary bodies and stars was at least as whacky an idea.

“The Theory of Relativity was just ‘a mass of error and deceptive ideas violently opposed to the teachings of great men of science of the past and even to common sense.’ The theory wraps all these errors and fallacies and clothes them in magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying error. The theory is like a beggar clothed in purple whom ignorant people take for a king. Its exponents are very brilliant men, but they are metaphysicists rather than scientists.” – Nikola Tesla

Further, as Roland Clark reports in his major biography on Einstein, if the ether could be detected, according to Einstein himself, then relativity was wrong. That was Einstein’s quote left out by Isaacson when he wrote his latest biography on Einstein. Thus, Einstein had a lot of reasons to keep the ether undetected.


And … Einstein never got a Nobel prize for his theory of relativity. Why not? Because the Nobel committee had reservations about it, but it became sacrosanct in mainstream science. My book, Transcending the Speed of Light, goes into detail with the potential flaws to this theory as espoused by a number of researchers.

However, as Isaacson reports in his book, Einstein: The Life of a Genius, Einstein wrote to Lorentz to say that the ether did in fact exist.


But it was too late; the entire 20th century evolved with the thought that the ether did not exist even though it obviously did.

That is one of the reasons why the scientists have ignored Tesla’s and my work.


Higgs comes along and essentially re-names the ostracized ether the “Higgs Boson,” which is re-named “The God particle”—the supposed particle that gives matter its mass.

And yes,  I  wrote at one time that CERN would never find it because they are not going to look for particles that operate in the tachyonic realm (faster than lightspeed realm). But lo and behold, they find one! So that’s why I contacted you.


My final discovery, which makes total sense, but somehow threatens the scientific establishment, is that Tesla was right.

Gravity is the absorption of ether by matter.

That is what causes the bending of starlight and the reason why radio waves follow the ground when using a ground connection.

The reason we fall back to the Earth when we jump up is because we get in the way of this gigantic influx of energy. That’s what gravity is; it’s the absorption of ether by elementary particles.

The “God Particle” is the process of elementary particles absorbing ether at 1.37 times the speed of light and converting that energy by their spin into electromagnetic energy. This is an ongoing process. That’s why particles spin. They are converting ether to mass.


So, I believe, Frank, that this is Grand Unification, Einstein’s big TOE dream.

But, I’ll bet you if you forward this explanation to CERN scientists, they will put me in the same category that they put Goudsmit, Uhlenbeck, Tesla and Gamow (not that I’d complain).

Google search Goudsmit and Uhlenbeck’s finding that electrons spin at 1.37 C.

Find it?

I don’t think so, yet it was published in Gamow’s book. Gamow was one of the most famous science writers of the 1960’s.

Best regards,

Marc J. Seifer, Ph.D.


Gamow’s book, Thirty Years that Shook Physics

Tesla’s very rare paper on the dynamic theory of gravity.

Einstein’s own words in Rolahd Clark’s biography whereby Einstein says that if the Ether is detected, then relativity is wrong.

Einstein’s own words in a letter to H. Lorentz quoted in Isaason’s Einstein bio whereby he says that the ether in fact does exist.

Wizard: The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla Transcending the Speed of Light