I had just finished reading “Great Beginning and Endings,” by Georgianne Ensign, when a Google alert popped up with an excerpt that caught my eye.

Here it is. I’m dead. This is my last post.”


I thought, what a great opening. The person had to be a writer. A superb writer. I was intrigued and wanted to see where it led. I opened the link.


I was right. It was a writer. Named Derek K. Miller. 41 years old. Married. Two kids, ages 11 and 13. And … he was dead.


Derek had written the post in advance and asked his family and friends to publish it – after he died from the punishing ravages of colon cancer. His post-mortem post was titled simply, “The Last Post.”

Life is strange. A Google alert on an ambiguous term led me to Derek’s last post, after reading “Great Beginnings and Endings.” His opening drew me in because I was studying the craft of story.

I didn’t know Derek. I do now. His life and work could be titled a “Great Beginning and Ending.” The ending of his story, though, reminded me of the last line of the last song the Beatles ever recorded which was;

“And, in the end, the love we take is equal to the love … we make.”

Read Derek Miller’s last post. To the end. You might not agree with some of the things he says. But the last line of the last post Derek ever wrote is one of the greatest endings ever written. You won’t be the same after … “The Last Post”