You have this story to tell. It’s gut-wrenching. True. Meaningful. It will change lives. It will save lives … lots of them. It has to be told. You have to tell it – because you’ve lived it.
You have this story to tell. It’s gut-wrenching. True. Meaningful. It will change lives. It will save lives … lots of them. It has to be told. You have to tell it – because you’ve lived it.
You have a family. Responsibilities. Spouse and kids. Your job is pretty demanding. Business travel and all that. When will you ever find time to tell your story? Save those lives? So much to do …
Years later do you still have that story in you? Still have that idea for a new invention? New company? What’s stopping you? What’s stopped you?
You’ve heard about it before in, “The Power of Resistance: Lessons Learned” from bestselling author Steven Pressfield. It’s the intractable foe of all working writers and the death of most aspiring writers—and entrepreneurs, painters, astronauts, and <insert your dream here>. Resistance is a brutal, intangibly tangible force, an implacable foe. Evil. Toxic. It wants you dead—or dying slowly so it can laugh at your misery.
How many of you reading this right now intend “one day” to write a book? Start a new business, do charity work, paint, do something meaningful? “‘One day” is your Resistance. It’s also the unrelenting foe of anyone wanting to achieve anything substantive in this life.
He has a spouse, kids, demanding job – a lot like you. His job requires travel and ongoing training – probably a lot like you too. But he has this story in mind – that just won’t quit. This concept. He’s been writing, researching and working. This story will change lives. It will save lives … lots of them.
He’s committed to writing this story – and is – while still maintaining his commitment to his family, his work, his country. Passionate about it. He’s been doing the work – regardless of all other commitments. And — his job is making him travel soon – back to Iraq. Yes, he’s a soldier. He’s getting ready to deploy to Iraq, where he will lead an Iraqi commando battalion — but he finished the story. Along the way he made a friend, the bestselling author Steven Pressfield who uses him as an example of how to overcome resistance.
“Resistance, it seems, melts away in the face of conviction, passion and hard work.”- Steven Pressfield.
The person’s name? Major Jim Gant. The story? “One Tribe At A Time.”
General Petraeus with Army Special Forces Maj. Jim Gant, “Lawrence of Afghanistan,” in 2010.
“‘One Tribe At A Time’ is not deathless prose. It’s not a super-pro Beltway think tank piece. What it is, in my opinion, is an idea whose time has come, put forward by an officer who has lived it in the field with his Special Forces team members–and proved it can be done. And an officer, by the way, who is ready this instant to climb aboard a helicopter to go back to Afghanistan and do it again,” said Pressfield.
For those of you that are, at this very moment, being slowed by Resistance, taunted by Resistance, need inspiration to fight Resistance, aspire one day to defeat the evil beast of Resistance … read “One Tribe at a Time,” by Major Jim Gant. Or – download “One Tribe at a Time” to your computer.
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Lessons Learned from Hollywood STORY Guru Robert McKee