Steven Kayser
Stories for Business and life
Smash Success
“This story has everything it possibly needs to become a smash success. It will make every possible reader happy.”
–Frederick Marx, Warrior– Producer, Director, Writer, “Hoop Dreams,” Named Best Film of the Decade by Roger Ebert.

What Heart!
What a fine story and screenplay! What heart! Acceptance Bridge will make a memorable film.” – Mark Miller, legendary leading man, producer, and writer of “A Walk in the Clouds,” “Savannah Smiles,” “Christmas Mountain,” and “Diff’rent Strokes.
Couldn't Put It Down!
Acceptance Bridge is so entertaining and exciting I couldn’t put it down. It’s ‘Glory Road,’ ‘Hoosiers’ and ‘Rudy’ combined as teams and individuals overcome handicaps and roadblocks on all levels. Inspiring is not a strong enough word for Acceptance Bridge… but it certainly works.” – Donn Burrows, Director, “The Big O: The Oscar Robertson Story.”
Ecelectic & Unique!
“Eclectic and unique, the stories in The Greatest Words You’ve Never Heard by Steven Kayser will engage your heart and inspire your soul.”
Ken Blanchard, coauthor of The One Minute Manager® and Legendary Service

Heroism, Heart, Hope
“True stories of heroism, hope and heart that salute the brave victorious souls that choose to create and live lives of significance and meaning even if they die trying. ”
Steven Pressfield, bestselling author of Gates of Fire and The Lion’s Gate
A Gifted Storyteller
“A gifted storyteller, Steve Kayser has written a book that will touch your heart and compel you to reflect deeply on your own faith, courage, and most importantly, relationships. I couldn’t put it down.”
Lt. Col. Rob “Waldo” Waldman, author of the New York Times bestseller Never Fly Solo
Raw, Powerful, Inspirational
A raw, powerful book. Anyone going through a dark night of the soul will be inspired.”
Ms. Sam Horn, author of POP! and Tongue Fu!
Profoundly Motivational
“One of the most profoundly motivational books I’ve seen in years! These stories will help you succeed in business, raise your kids, be a better person and friend and leave a legacy.
Dr. Rick Kirschner, coauthor of the international bestseller Dealing with People You Can’t Stand
Live a Life of Significance
The stories in this book will inspire you to live a life of significance and will give you the wisdom to see that your best years are ahead of you, not behind you.
Mark Whitacre, Ph.D., Chief Science Officer of Cypress Systems, Inc., also former whistleblower in the historical ADM price-fixing case (“The Informant”)
Writing Riffs
Steve’s Blog
STORY: A Simple Timeless Tale
Lessons Learned from Hollywood STORY Guru Robert McKee
I interviewed Robert McKee, the best-selling author of “STORY” and legendary guru of Hollywood storytelling, several years ago. The premise of the interview was simple – can the principles of his classic book “STORY” be used in the complex sales process?
I Am Sam I Am: Meet the Intrigue Expert, Ms. Sam Horn
You, your product, your service, your company, is good … maybe great. It’s different, unique, totally rad, awesomeroo and bloggerific. It even (occasionally) delivers real business value; makes an authentic difference in business or life. But … no one has heard of you. You haven’t even heard of you! Here’s how to get your message out – or not. Featuring an interview with Sam Horn, author of “POP! Stand Out in Any Crowd.”
An Inconvenient Genius
How often has one person affected humanity to such a degree that were the fruits of his labor withdrawn immediately from our day-to-day existence, the world as we know it … would essentially stop?
Acceptance Bridge: Crossing the Great Divide
“Acceptance Bridge: Crossing the Great Divide,” is a story about overcoming insurmountable odds, emotional twists, humorous turns, and a spiritually uplifting climax. And… it’s a lesson in the life-changing POWER of never giving up and never looking back.
The New Employee… Partner in Purpose?
What type of employee would YOU want to help you in a startup? Or in growing a business? In a struggling business? Certainly someone with drive and…
THE INFORMANT: A Second Chance at Life
He was 32 years old, earning $1,000,000 per year and 3rd in line to take over leadership of a $70 billion dollar company. Three years later he was sitting in prison making 12 cents an hour. Then … something amazing happened. The sublime beauty and redemptive cleansing of a second chance.
Building Yourself a Better Brain
An interview with Dr. Rick Hanson, neuropsychologist and author of the bestselling Buddha’ Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love & Wisdom. It has been translated to 21 languages and spent over 300 days on Amazon’s list of top 100 best-selling non-fiction books. Dr. Rick has a new book out called Just One Thing: Developing a Buddha Brain One Simple Practice at a Time. He has taught at Oxford, Stanford and Harvard and his work has been featured in BBC, NPR,, US News and World Report..
Open Your World, Walk Towards Wisdom – An Interview with Dr. Ken Blanchard
Do you have truth tellers in your life? Do you have people around you who give you feedback and are honest with you?
The Most Important Thing I Have Learned – Interview with “Rich Dad Poor Dad” Author Robert Kiyosaki
I was going to start off with, “What’s it like to sell 28-million copies of Rich Dad Poor Dad?”‘ but I won’t. because it’d probably bore you to tears. You served as a marine helicopter gunship pilot in Vietnam, winning an air award medal, how did that …
How to Create and Finish Anything
Do the Work is a shut up and do-it guide. It treads some of the same turf as the “War of Art.” It fights the intractable, implacable, insidious foe of mankind –Resistance. But it’s also an indispensable guide to winning at business or life.
Riding the Alligator: Strategies for a Career in Writing … and Not Getting Eaten
To win at the complex sale, one must be a storyteller, strategist, master tactician, cajoler, evaluator, philosopher, psychologist, bean counter and often, magician. But what about a really complex sale? Like selling your story to Hollywood and getting it made into a film? Find out with Pen Densham whose films include; Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, Backdraft, Moll Flanders, Rocky II and Houdini. The films and television series Pen Densham and his partner have produced have grossed over $1 billion.
An Affair Shakes the Presidency
The story and interview that follows are not about avoiding a scandal or crisis, but how one American President through the strength of character dealt with a situation that threatened his presidency, his reputation, his place in history and … America’s credibility.
How to End Your Marketing Career Quickly… Without Really Trying
Is there any more expensive way to throw away money with such arrogant disregard for common sense? Or, to do it with such condescending, confounding, disparate, and creative personalities?
Robert McKee’s “Principle of Creative Limitation,” Stays Inside the Box
Out of the box thinking. How many times have you heard that? What does it mean? It’s supposed to connote creative thinking. But what happens if you stay in the box… and make it smaller?
Marketing, Sales, PR Lingo: The Four Too’s vs the Four Tools of Clarity
From personal experience and conversations with many experts in the business-to-business field, there is reasonable agreement that most corporate sales, marketing, and PR lingo suffer from…