Steven Kayser

Stories for Business and life

Smash Success

This story has everything it possibly needs to become a smash success. It will make every possible reader happy.” 

–Frederick Marx, Warrior– Producer, Director, Writer, “Hoop Dreams,” Named Best Film of the Decade by Roger Ebert.

What Heart!

What a fine story and screenplay! What heart! Acceptance Bridge will make a memorable film.” – Mark Miller, legendary leading man, producer, and writer of “A Walk in the Clouds,” “Savannah Smiles,” “Christmas Mountain,” and “Diff’rent Strokes.

Couldn't Put It Down!

Acceptance Bridge is so entertaining and exciting I couldn’t put it down. It’s ‘Glory Road,’ ‘Hoosiers’ and ‘Rudy’ combined as teams and individuals overcome handicaps and roadblocks on all levels. Inspiring is not a strong enough word for Acceptance Bridge… but it certainly works.” – Donn Burrows, Director, “The Big O: The Oscar Robertson Story.” 

Ecelectic & Unique!

“Eclectic and unique, the stories in The Greatest Words You’ve Never Heard by Steven Kayser will engage your heart and inspire your soul.”

Ken Blanchard, coauthor of The One Minute Manager® and Legendary Service

Heroism, Heart, Hope

“True stories of heroism, hope and heart that salute the brave victorious souls that choose to create and live lives of significance and meaning even if they die trying. ”

Steven Pressfield, bestselling author of Gates of Fire and The Lion’s Gate

A Gifted Storyteller

“A gifted storyteller, Steve Kayser has written a book that will touch your heart and compel you to reflect deeply on your own faith, courage, and most importantly, relationships. I couldn’t put it down.” 

Lt. Col. Rob “Waldo” Waldman, author of the New York Times bestseller Never Fly Solo

Raw, Powerful, Inspirational

A raw, powerful book.  Anyone going through a dark night of the soul will be inspired.”   

Ms. Sam Horn, author of POP! and Tongue Fu!

Profoundly Motivational

“One of the most profoundly motivational books I’ve seen in years! These stories will help you succeed in business, raise your kids, be a better person and friend and leave a legacy. 

Dr. Rick Kirschner, coauthor of the international bestseller Dealing with People You Can’t Stand

Live a Life of Significance

The stories in this book will inspire you to live a life of significance and will give you the wisdom to see that your best years are ahead of you, not behind you. 

Mark Whitacre, Ph.D., Chief Science Officer of Cypress Systems, Inc., also former whistleblower in the historical ADM price-fixing case (“The Informant”)

Writing Riffs 

Steve’s Blog

How to Really Achieve Your Childhood Dreams

If you had one last time to pass on all you had learned in this life – in a letter, video, speech or lecture – what would you say? How would you say it?

Ever thought about it?

Who would you say it to? Would you be maudlin or mirthful?

There’s No One as Irish as Barack Obama … Does E Still =MC2?

I received an email from a Mr. Ger Corrigan in Ireland with the subject line, “There’s No One As Irish as Barack Obama – Einstein and The Neutrino Song.” I was getting ready to delete the email but I thought the subject line was so unique and interesting I’d open it up. Truthfully, I was expecting a male enhancement advertisement espousing supraluminal tumescent effects. I was wrong. What I found was a pot of gold.

Have CERN Physicists Found Einstein’s Big TOE?

Have CERN Physicists Found Einstein’s Big TOE?

Einstein had a dream A big TOE dream. Is it possible that Tesla’s little-known dynamic theory on gravity that involves the absorption of ether by matter and CERN Physicists discovery of faster-than-light particles could fulfill Einstein’s dream of grand unification?

The Heroes Journey for Sales … Sorta

The Heroes Journey for Sales … Sorta

Can you tell your story – or the story of your business? Tell it so it moves someone – moves them to action? Tell your story so it treads well-worn neural pathways achingly familiar to the human mind and spirit? Time-tested pathways … open, and indeed looking for, great stories? Stories populated with saints, sinners, sorry sad sacks, winners – all, at the core – fighting for their space and place in time?

The Greatest Presentation of All Time?

The Greatest Presentation of All Time?

All great presentations have one thing in common. Do you know what it is? Here are 10 exceptional examples down through the ages. Can you see it? And what about the greatest presentation of all time? It had no PowerPoint. No video. But it had that one thing.

Here it Is. I’m Dead. This is My Last Post

That opening … “Here it is. I’m dead. This is my last post,” showed up my Google Alerts. I thought, what a great opening line for a story. The person had to be a writer. A superb one. I had no idea the opening … was really the ending.

Social Media That Matters—for Families and Disasters

Forget the incessant cacophony about social-media use in business for one nanosecond. This is about family, friends and loved ones. Find a way today to get them connected to a social-media network of some type, because when disaster or terrorist attacks strike …

Portraits of the Fallen: Compassion on Canvas

Kaziah Hancock paints portraits of fallen soldiers free of charge for their families as part of Project Compassion. A modern-day heroine, Kaziah’s paintings soothe the wounded hearts of American families who have lost to war – their children. Those wounds, although soothed, never heal. What a wonderful, selfless woman. LOOK and SEE true compassion …

For the Fallen 2010 … We Will Remember You

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning.
We will remember them.

– From “For the Fallen” by Laurence Binyon

Real Leaders Count on Courage … Yours

What would happen if you approached your CEO in a lunch room after just costing your organization millions of dollars in a legal claim because you had uncovered a critical mistake … and then made it public?

To Secure the Blessings of Liberty

To Secure the Blessings of Liberty

To secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity is, and will always be, perilous and fraught with danger. But ultimately fate has shown it to be purposeful. Meaningful. Essential to our survival.

It takes a rare breed of person to step-up, serve and sacrifice to defend those blessings. One willing to defend and even die for the unalienable right to …
To secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity is, and will always be, perilous and fraught with danger. But ultimately fate has shown it to be purposeful. Meaningful. Essential to our survival.

What Does “Shoot the Donkey” Mean?

The term “Shoot the Donkey” refers to a classic scene in the movie “Patton” (based upon a true life event) where the Third Army gets critically held up in battle on a bridge, by a cart-pulling donkey that had stopped and refused to budge, totally blocking the bridge. Life and death are at stake. An MP struggles with the donkey and the owner, trying to get them out of the way. But with no success. Then …