Steven Kayser

Stories for Business and life

Smash Success

This story has everything it possibly needs to become a smash success. It will make every possible reader happy.” 

–Frederick Marx, Warrior– Producer, Director, Writer, “Hoop Dreams,” Named Best Film of the Decade by Roger Ebert.

What Heart!

What a fine story and screenplay! What heart! Acceptance Bridge will make a memorable film.” – Mark Miller, legendary leading man, producer, and writer of “A Walk in the Clouds,” “Savannah Smiles,” “Christmas Mountain,” and “Diff’rent Strokes.

Couldn't Put It Down!

Acceptance Bridge is so entertaining and exciting I couldn’t put it down. It’s ‘Glory Road,’ ‘Hoosiers’ and ‘Rudy’ combined as teams and individuals overcome handicaps and roadblocks on all levels. Inspiring is not a strong enough word for Acceptance Bridge… but it certainly works.” – Donn Burrows, Director, “The Big O: The Oscar Robertson Story.” 

Ecelectic & Unique!

“Eclectic and unique, the stories in The Greatest Words You’ve Never Heard by Steven Kayser will engage your heart and inspire your soul.”

Ken Blanchard, coauthor of The One Minute Manager® and Legendary Service

Heroism, Heart, Hope

“True stories of heroism, hope and heart that salute the brave victorious souls that choose to create and live lives of significance and meaning even if they die trying. ”

Steven Pressfield, bestselling author of Gates of Fire and The Lion’s Gate

A Gifted Storyteller

“A gifted storyteller, Steve Kayser has written a book that will touch your heart and compel you to reflect deeply on your own faith, courage, and most importantly, relationships. I couldn’t put it down.” 

Lt. Col. Rob “Waldo” Waldman, author of the New York Times bestseller Never Fly Solo

Raw, Powerful, Inspirational

A raw, powerful book.  Anyone going through a dark night of the soul will be inspired.”   

Ms. Sam Horn, author of POP! and Tongue Fu!

Profoundly Motivational

“One of the most profoundly motivational books I’ve seen in years! These stories will help you succeed in business, raise your kids, be a better person and friend and leave a legacy. 

Dr. Rick Kirschner, coauthor of the international bestseller Dealing with People You Can’t Stand

Live a Life of Significance

The stories in this book will inspire you to live a life of significance and will give you the wisdom to see that your best years are ahead of you, not behind you. 

Mark Whitacre, Ph.D., Chief Science Officer of Cypress Systems, Inc., also former whistleblower in the historical ADM price-fixing case (“The Informant”)

Writing Riffs 

Steve’s Blog

Who Were These Americans?

Who Were These Americans?


Fathers, mothers, daughters, sons, wives, husbands, cousins, nephews, nieces, all.


They passed on not by accident, not by bodily deterioration brought on by the mean ravages of time, but because they had a special job.

The Big Presentation

A “Big Presentation” always has to address the two elephants in the room. Change and commitment. All the bold, creative thinking in the world won’t get you to a successful future without the courage to change—and commit to that change.

Featured Interview: Titanic, Forrest Gump, Roger Rabbit, Twister, Now …

Who is this guy? He worked on framing “Roger Rabbit,” helped sink the “Titanic,” summoned the tornadoes in “Twister” and … put the visual chill in “Polar Express.” Also, along the way he’s worked on some of the highest revenue-producing movies in history, including; “Deep Impact,” “Back to the Future parts II and III,” “The Mummy,” “K-19: The Widowmaker.” and “Forest Gump, ” among many others.

For the Fallen … We Will Remember You

A step ahead. A step behind. A blink of the eye at the wrong time. And … it’s over. A memory bouquet to the loved and lost who faced the unfathomable unknowable on the way to their “Last Post.”

How to Create a World Wide Rave … or NOT

How to Create a World Wide Rave … or NOT

How do you get your ideas, stories, products or services to spread like wildfire over the web by millions of people? Are the huge success stories you hear about the viral power of the web just flukes – or can anyone do it? Read on to learn the six rules of a “WORLD WIDE RAVE,” the newest book by David Meerman Scott, number-one bestselling author of “The New Rules of Marketing and PR.” The first 50 people to correctly answer the simple, yet existential question at the end of this article will win a copy of the WORLD WIDE RAVE.

Overcoming Resistance: One Tribe at a Time

For those of you that are, at this very moment, being slowed by Resistance, taunted by Resistance, need inspiration to fight Resistance, aspire one day to defeat the evil beast of Resistance, meet a very special person …

Secure the Blessings of Liberty

70 years ago today 100 million people were sentenced to death by a charismatic, hypnotically mesmerizing megalomaniac. An evil beast with a silver tongue. An evil beast whose oratory powers seduced the masses until they gave up their liberties – then their lives, their souls – to this Anti-Christ wannabe. Come… look. Remember. Watch. Think. Question. And get ready to fight.

Non Vi Sed Arte – Not by Strength, by Guile

Is it possible to be a person of the highest character, chivalrous and honorable, retaining your humanity while fighting for the very survival of your civilization? To be a person that has the guts to stand up to a “Stand and Die” order? And if so, can people like this exist (succeed) today? Can people with all too human flaws – however borne up on the wings of honor, duty, compassion, justice and noble vision – even make it today?

Sales 2.Oh-No Presentations – A State of the Business Presentation Cartoon-torial

There aren’t many things I rather do than sit through a business presentation. Except for maybe being boiled in oil. Or, being buried alive. Or straddling and sliding down a 200-ft razor blade into a pool of rubbing alcohol. Here’s an Animotorized Cartoon-torial of the State of the Standard Corporate Business Presentation (AKA a Gluteus-Maximus Sales 2.-Oh-No Vomitus Eruptus).

A REAL Business REALITY CHECK with Bestselling Author Guy Kawasaki

What do a billionaire shoeshiner, Bo Diddley, bad PowerPoint, worse e-mail, sabertooth tigers, the Dalia Lama, Starbucks, Donkey O’Tee, a miraculous feline resurrection, bloggers with nothing to say, why Twitter is wrong, and the only real-world reference guide to entrepreneurship and business you’ll ever need have in common? Read on to find out. The first 25 people to respond to me by e-mail with the super-secret codeword (hidden and embedded in the story) will EARN (win) a copy of “REALITY CHECK” by Guy Kawasaki.

Life … Pass it On

It starts with a phone call. The one moment in life that every parent dreads. A nightmare every parent prays will never happen. A mad rush to the hospital. An anxious eternity. You finally arrive and burst through the doors. A doctor comes out, maybe two. Their faces tell you what you don’t want to know.