When the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution was penned during the summer of 1787 oligarchic tyranny was the norm. Despots. Tyrants. Evil, socio-pathic bastards sick with power ruled the lands. Just the way it was. You were either in — or out.  Up or down.  During that summer the fundamental holy essence and guiding principles of  what it would be like to be an “American”  were memorialized in those immortal words. Though not many, they were simple, clear and  signified aspirational hope for all mankind.

223 years ago. So long ago. But blessings are often taken for granted until you are smacked in the face with their loss. No?

To secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity is, and will always be, perilous and fraught with danger. But ultimately fate has shown it to be purposeful. Meaningful. Essential to our survival. And it takes a rare breed of person to step-up, serve and sacrifice to defend those blessings. One willing to defend and even die for the unalienable right to …

“Secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity.”

So few words. So powerful the impact.  Nothing sums them up better than this short, heartfelt letter, to a grieving mother from a plain-spoken man. A self-educated and deeply moral man. One who shortly thereafter would pay the ultimate sacrifice himself … on the altar of liberty.


So costly a price.  A brilliant flame burns on the altar of liberty. Lit by hope, fueled with implacable resolve and requires …


To honor the fallen, the loved and lost, with their lifeblood splattered on the altar of liberty — a respectful duty remains.


To be forever vigilant against any that would usurp and suck the lifeblood out of our unalienable right to “the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity.”

To all veterans past, present and future on this 11th day of November,  2010, an …